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Rejuvenating Eye Cream with Monoionic Gold

Golden Touch – eye cream with gold of amazing action – 15 ml


Rejuvenating Eye Cream with Monoionic Gold Au100.

Cosmetics with monoionic gold should be used under the eyes and face. These creams were created in order to work at night for beautiful skin every day. Their use affects well to improve the condition and appearance of the skin. Thanks to its properties stimulate fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin, shallow existing wrinkles and protect against the formation of new ones. Nourished skin is moisturized and regains its radiance.

Skin regeneration is the most effective at night. We owe the magic of rebirth and renewal to hormones that begin to work in the evening. It stimulates cell division, protein production and purification of cells from toxins. It’s also responsible for collagen renewal. We have developed a line of cosmetics with monoionic gold named Golden Touch to take advantage of these properties.

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