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Tuberose Absolute Oil – Polianthes Tuberosa

Tuberose oil is extracted from Polianthes tuberosa of the Agavaceae family and is also known as tuberosa and tubereuse.

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Tuberose Absolute Oil – Polianthes tuberosa is a highly fragrant night flowering plant. It is pollinated by moths. Contrary to its name, it is not related to the rose. Instead, the plant has tube-like roots that gave it the moniker we know today. It is related to the jonquil and narcissus.

Tuberose oil is extracted from Polianthes tuberosa of the Agavaceae family and is also known as tuberosa and tubereuse.

Because of the high concentration of this oil and the chemicals left behind, tuberose is mainly used in high class perfumes. You will often find it in very floral perfume blends.


  • Eases Depression and Stress
  • Promotes Assertiveness

Oil properties

Tuberose oil has a slightly spicy, heavy, sweet fragrance.

Origin of tuberose oil

Tuberose is a tender, tall, slim perennial with long slender leaves, a tuberous root and large, very fragrant, white lily-like flowers and grows wild in Central America.

It is cultivated all over the world for the cut flower trade, but specially in Egypt, China, France and Morocco for its oil.


A concrete and absolute is extracted by solvent extraction from the fresh flowers, picked before the petals open.

Chemical composition

The main chemical components are menthyl benzoate, menthyl anthranilate, benzyl alcohol, butyric acid, eugenol, nerol, farnesol and geraniol.


Tuberose oil is not normally used in aromatherapy but in the perfume industry as a component of good quality perfumes and is said to have narcotic properties, although proper safety data is not available.

5 ml & 10 ml


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