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  /    /  Accessories, Jewelry, Women Jewelry  /  Bangle Bracelet


Bangle Bracelet

Beautiful bangle bracelet.

SKU: WT237 Categories: , , Tags: ,


Bangle Bracelet with crystal pave  held together with a magnetic clasp. The  bracelet with the clasp allows for easy wear. It fits most wrists.This bracelet will brighten up any outfit.

The color is rhodium gold.

These bracelets are traditional ornaments, beeing common to see a new bride wearing bangles at her wedding in India.

This is ideal for a gift. Its brilliant shine adds a subtly glamorous edge to any look.

This textured bracelet has timeless style a true classic design, it can be worn with anything and never out of vogue. You’ll enjoy this for years to come.

Shine with excellence and simplicity with this beautiful bracelet.

Can make a nice gift to yourself or to a Special Someone.

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