Frequently Asked Questions
Browse through these FAQS to find answers to commoly raised questions,
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.
How can I become an official Retailer?
Polminton is always looking for new retailers. Please use our Contact Page to provide us with your company details (including your VAT/Tax Registration No. and Chamber of Commerce registration), as well as the product that you are interested to distribute in your Region.
Can I order directly from Polminton?
You can order directly if there is no distributor in your Region.
How do I pay for my order?
Once you place your order, we send you a Proforma Invoice by email with the banking details and once the payment is confirmed by our bank your order is shipped to you. We also accept Paypal.
What products do the Retailer stock?
The Retailer should stock sufficient quantity of products your customers desire.
What is the minimum order?.
There is a minimum purchase. Please contact us with the product of interest and we will let you know.
How do I place my order?
We have a number of ordering options to cater towards individual needs:
- Phone
- Online ordering
What Service should I expect?
We offer Superior Customer Service and the most important of all…we deliver!
I am not sure which product to sell in my shop, can you help?
The ideal product mix is essential for maximizing your business sales.
How do I sign in to my Account?
On the Footer there is a link named: “Login/Register”
How do I register as a new customer?.
On the Footer there is link named: “Login/Register”. Follow the prompts for new customer. You will need to enter your company details, your delivery address…
Once your account is approved we will send you an email confimation.
I have forgotten my password, can you help me?
At the “Register or Sign” in page, click on “Forgotten password”.