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  /    /  January

January 2025

By Jeremy S  Everybody wants to live a long, healthy life and in today's day and age it is most certainly possible. People are faced with many difficult decisions when it comes to choosing the best supplements, diets, exercises and training gear - and who could blame them? Every day the list grows for the best way to lose weight, build muscle and get the physique you always dreamed of. Even now, more than ever there are emerging supplements marketed towards those intent on shedding the extra pounds and transforming their bodies into lean, sculpted figures. With all this industry growth and all the reputable brands releasing new products, how can you really be sure what works and what doesn't? I have spent a fair amount of time personally at the gym, pumping iron and pressing weights. I have spent countless hours training, exercising, trying new routines and learning many new workouts. During this time, I have also tried a variety of different supplements both for diet and also for training purposes. The pump that these PWOs bring is pretty substantial. I can see the difference in weeks I cycle off the PWO that my workout intensity not only lessens but the amount of time before I fatigue is also noticeably shorter. Not to discredit any other PWO as they all do the job to different degrees but I find that these give me the most focus and keep my drive higher in

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